Sunday, October 2, 2011

Do Mormons Believe In the Bible?

Do Mormons Read and Believe the Bible?
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (nicknamed “Mormons”) read, study, revere and strive to live in accordance with the Holy Bible and its teachings. The Old and New Testament are included in the Church’s official cannon of scripture and are considered sacred. The LDS Church includes study of the Bible in its courses of study for all its members. Members of the Church consider additional scripture as further testimony to the teachings of the Holy Bible, just as they consider the New and Old Testaments complimentary to one another.
Indeed, the event that began the modern day restoration of Christ’s church was prompted by a verse young Joseph Smith read in the Bible, which his family studied and knew to be God’s word. He read in James 1:5, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.” The King James Version of the Bible is a vital part of the LDS Church’s cannon of scripture. If you ask to see a member’s scriptures, you are likely to be handed a copy which includes in one book the following, in this order: The Holy Bible (Old and New Testaments of the KJV), The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
This year, the Church celebrates with many others in Christendom the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version, and recognizes the great work of those men who were uniquely skilled and qualified to accomplish such a task so many years ago. An article on that event was recently included in the Church magazine, The Ensign. A side bar in that article notes that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints published 364,000 copies of the KJV of the Bible in 2010 alone.
Study of the Bible is included in the curriculum of the LDS church. I currently teach a class for 11 year old boys. This year we are studying the New Testament, focusing our lessons mainly on the Gospels and on the Savior’s life and teachings. Today we studied his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and talked about the things we should be doing in our lives to prepare for Him to come again.
The Church has long had a standardized course of study for Sunday worship in the Sunday School (youth and adults) and Primary (children under 12) programs. This course cycles every four years: Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Church History/Doctrine and Covenants. So study of the Bible receives 50% of that four year cycle. In addition, the Seminary program, which many high school - aged LDS youth participate in as part of their regular school day, follows a similar four year cycled curriculum with two of those years focusing on the Bible.
Many may question why the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints has scripture beside the Bible in its cannon. Perhaps out of reverence for the Bible, some Christians consider any other scripture unnecessary and even detracting from the Holy Bible. Certainly, many believers in the Old Testament saw the New Testament as blasphemy when it was first compiled. There are still many who accept portions of the Old Testament, but not the New. The word of God is sacred and will lead us to Him, regardless of its source or time in which it comes forth.
More of God’s word is not detracting, it is complementary. I wondered as a new father if my love would be as strong for my second child as my first. Subsequent children did not diminish my love for my first child, but enhanced it. And like a good chocolate chip cookie is made all the better by a cold glass of milk, the Book of Mormon and other scriptures make the Bible all the more clear and relevant. Just as a beautiful melody played by the violins is made more beautiful by harmonies of the other instruments in the orchestra, the words of multiple scripture enhance one another and assist in understanding. Most importantly, they provide additional witness to the truth of the message and mission of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
I know the Bible to be the word of God. I am grateful to the very many prophets, apostles, disciples, scribes, and scholars who over the centuries contributed to this great book of scripture. I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He consented to come to this earth to make it possible for us to return to live with God again. He is the very Messiah.
Yes, the “Mormons” believe the Bible. They consider it scripture, study it regularly and devotedly, and take it all the more literally and seriously because of additional scripture which encourages us to do so. If you’ve questions or comments on this article, feel free to send them. May God bless us all in our pursuit of truth.
Posted by Perry Ewell
September, 2011

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Perry and Carisa Ewell Family

My Awesome Boys!!!

The boys aren't too bad looking either.... Maybe a bit silly though!

My Beautiful Girls!!!

My friend, Mary, did a beautiful job taking our family pictures. The girls are just gorgeous!